Starwind And Hawking
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starwind and hawking

Starwind And Hawking Free To Browse

She's just as much a part of the ship as Gillium is (He's our ships computer).Suzoka Twilight sits behind Gene to his left as Con officer. Our NavigatorGoes by the name of Melfina. Feel free to browse, and please visit our Recruitment.Starwind and Hawking Enterprises, This is Jim Hawking, How Can we help you?This has always been a team effort, even though we've never really thought about changing the name.Gene Starwind is my partner, and the pilot of our ship, The Outlaw Star. Join us now Welcome to our official Spectrum channel.

But I will not relay it over the phone. Besides being a pain in the butt.I suppose you could say she's the security officer.And then there is me, I'm the tactcian of the team.Yes, there is an intresting story behind how we got our ship. I'm still not sure what she does exactly.

Ten minutes to thaw, and the Tao Pirates and a number of cyber-ninjas right outside the door.Well, Gene pulls out his trusty Caster Blaster. Rachel finally decided to drop the disguise, and became Hot Ice Hilda.Hilda is an outlaw, she has somethings stashed at this oasis, a shuttle pod for her ship (Horace), and a breif case that she told them they didn't want to open.Inside lay Melfina in cryostasis. The three of them, Rachel, Jim, and Gene were on their way to pick something at an oasis when they were attacked by Tao Pirates. Afterall, who else is going to write the stories of the Outlaw Star.It all started when A blond named Rachel called in ordering parts and a body gaurd. Basically, I'm a sectrary, which isn't so bad. Please hold.Hey Seer, There's a guy here who wants to know how we got our ship.No, I don't crew the Outlaw Star, I sit here at HQ taking masseages, forwarding the important stuff and forgetting everything else.

Everyone else likes how I tell the story.So let's see. But that's just part of her. I don't give the K'tarl-K'tarl enough glory for her liking. To make a long story short.Please, allow me to introduce you, This is Aisha Clan-clan, our security specialist.Aisha, this is a potential Client, be good for a change, huh?I'll let you tell your part later, all right?She hates the way I tell her part for some reason.

They own a grappler ship also, though we don't find that out yet.That Night, The party is asleep at an inn, and they are attacked. Naturally they run into some trouble, here is where you first encounter the name "McDougal"The McDougal brothers claim to be outlaws, but they stand only for themselves. Once There Melfina and Jim go to buy her some clothes, Gene and Hilda go to the bar to see if they can recruit some help.

The first time was on their way to pick up the XGP, the K'tarl-K'tarl ship demanded they had the right of way when outbound traffic always have the right away. Hilda get's back to Horace, and it's now that we realize that the pirates want the XGP.Before they head back to blue heaven, Gene gives the ship a name "Outlaw Star."Back at Blue Heaven, the encounter Aisha for the second time. The pirates attack after Gillium records the four of them as Crew. They get inside to find The XGP.The ship, as impressive as it seems, needs a lot of work. Then the Pirates attack.Horace manages to get away, but not before the Tao pirates marked them.Hilda leads horace directly to a sun, orbiting a few hundred meters above which is an aesteroid, a hollow Aesteroid. They first stop by a spot where Hilda is expecting some friends to be waiting for her.They have all been obliterated.

starwind and hawking